Monday 12 November 2012

The Structure & Handling Of Time
Page 86
'looked toward the darkening town'- evening, getting towards night time
'they slept in a parked car' night time, sleeping
'shivering in his coats'- season is winter time, coldness

Page 87
'In the morning a cold rain was falling' woken up, morning, start of the day

Page 127
Time is expanded- slow process of explaining of the man in the barn, he is thinking 'stopped and stood listening to the wind' 'creaking of a tin' 'lingering odor of cows' 'he stood thinking of cows'- may reflect his thoughts being slow, he's taken a moment to reflect upon the world. Realization  emptiness, bleak future, death

Page 141
The man is once again questioning life. 
Telescoping: 'How many days to death? Ten?' future, uncertainty, bleak reality
Contracted time: him moving across the grass

Page 208
'long night anyway'- night time

  • McCarthy refers to breakfast and dinner constantly throughout- their only routine in life, only structure (page 3- 'came back with their plates and some cornmeal cakes' breakfast at this point, introduced right from the beginning. Page 162 'They ate a sumptuous meal by candelight.' dinner, found bunker with food)
  • Idea of it perhaps keeping them sane, only relation to old life
  • Clinging on to past experiences- maintain motivation, empty promises
  • Maintain some normality 

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