Sunday 11 November 2012

The Ugly Duckling
Before them were six eggs. One stuck out. It was larger than the rest. The shell was grey and colourless with black specks like ash. They all hatched but that same one was delayed. The mother duckling contemplated it's fate. Before she could question too long the shell broke with a crisp snap. Out emerged a godless creature. It's feathers were rough and grey. It's appetite was intense and so he outgrew the others making it even more unusual. As time passed in the cruel world misery soon replaced it's happiness. No one wanted to play with him. Isolation was it's only future. It was teased. It was lonely. It was dejected. Why are you so different from your brothers? The mother said. The duckling felt even worse. 

Then he escaped. Living by a pond and some reeds it had plenty of food. Until winter came. It's harsh winds swept violently. There was a flock of swans. They flew gracefully in the sky. A farmer found it cold and wet. It was fed by his children. It soon regained strength and so they let him free. The swans appeared again. Where have you been hiding? One said. It realized it had been a swan the whole time.

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