Sunday 2 December 2012

Symbols & Meanings
Water- literal importance- cleaning and washing, quench thirst, crucial for survival
          - symbolic meaning- life pool, where life began, purity- only pure thing left, hope (page 129 'cistern filled with water so sweet' 'nothing in his memory anywhere of something so good') reminder of life previously, reassurance, 

The mountain- literal- Earth, landscape, impressive beauty
symbolic- journey in itself, desperation, ambition, represents their lives- a huge mountain, forever climbing never reaching a peak, isolation, intimidation, discourage

Religion- page 14- 'watched it expire there like the last host of Christendom' 
The sea- literal- end of the land, motivation for journey, reason they are on The Road
symbolic- hope, reassurance if it is blue, motivation, end of the desolation on land colourful beginnings, reminder of the past, calm, mesmerizing, tranquility, peace, devotion, at rest/ease.   

The colour grey- literal- dull, oppressive, pitiful, somber

symbolic- refers to somber state of the world, moods- depressive constraining, lack of hope determination, grey future- bleak, mood lifts when father dies new hope/life, mute. 
Death- sullen, cynical, hostile  

Fire- what is the fire anymore?
literal importance- provide heat, hope, fascinating
symbolic-various interpretations: 1. 'carrying the fire'= fire within the soul, hope, morale, positivity, saviour for man kind idea of the boy being a Messiah. The man lives on within him
2. 'carrying the fire'= harsh reminder of the past, idea of redemption- the world is slowly beginning again more positively, man abused it, set in old ways, isolation, links to interview man became too smart which is not always the most important thing- being good is. E.g creating new technology destroying the world etc. Fire= destruction, abusive, branded the earth, demolished and devestated. Man carried the fire and destroyed the earth.
Fires always burn out. Cannot be kept lit, man dies- does the fire die with him? i.e past, make way for new. New world for man kind. Reset.

Sight/sightlessness- literal- vision, what they see around them, haunts
                             - symbolic- sightlessness= oppressive state of world, disaster, blindness, carelessness, cruelty, forgotten, dull, perspective different people see different things, no sight= no hope, no life, tragedy. (page 250 'they went on in the perfect blackness, sightless as the blind' summary of whole journey, lack of hope, world is black dull depressing, almost delicate and beautiful, sense of no complaint runs throughout novel.

Seeds- literal- plants, nourishment, life,
symbolic- plant the seed of an idea- can destroy someone or make them- like man and the earth, life began with 'seeds', everything begins with 'seeds', life, hope,

Music/musical instruments- literal- harmonies, sounds, escapism, variation, relaxation. 
Symbolic- reassurance, hope, unite the man and the boy- apology. Flute (page 81) 'he'd carved the boy a flute' after shooting road rat awkward atmosphere in the air, boy angry at the man, are they still the good guys? 'A formless music for the age to come'- only music for the future, devastation of earth. 'perhaps the last music on earth called up from out of the ashes of its ruin'- final song, destruction, loss of hope, giving up, motivation gone, reflects the desolation and disaster. 'ashes of its ruin'- bleak outlook, isolation, dull, decrepit. 

Animal imagery- dog, savagery of human behaviour- cannibalism 

Religious imagery- Ely- literal- man on the road, surviving in the same way everyone else is attempting. 
Symbolic- shares name with biblical prophet Elijah, hobbling along road, riddles, wise, ancient, immortal almost, how is he surviving? Elijah= coming of a messiah (savior) the boy. 

Coca Cola Can- (22)- 'sat looking at a Coca Cola'- astonishment, reminder of past, haunting, a 'treat' luxury, 'its bubbly'- never experienced it, shock, honour. 'I want you to drink it'- reminder of deprivation of Earth, wants to provide his son with some luxuries/presents, make him content, satisfaction etc, savour it last one they will see. 
symbolic- savior, luxury item, deprivation of man, appreciation, consumerism- product used day to day

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