Thursday, 20 December 2012

Pages 29-49;

"Ate cold beans they'd cooked days ago"-(page 29) Telescoping through time.
"Late in the year"-(page 29) Telescoping through time.
"Where once he'd watched trout swaying in the current"- (page 30) References to time before (flashbacks)
"They set out again in the morning"-(page 30) Passage of time.
"He woke towards the morning"- (page 31) Passage of time.
"A few miles each day" (page 32) Telescoping through time.
"Dark of the invisible moon"-(page 32) Time expands.
"Within a year"- (page 33) Telescoping through time.
"Tomorrow came and went" (page 33) Telescoping through time.
"And then one evening he stopped and looked all about..."- (page 33) Time expands.
"Where he stood once with his own father in a winter long ago"-(page 34) References to a time before (flashbacks).
"In the morning they pressed on" -(page 34) Passage of time.
"They slogged all day..."- (page 35) Telescoping through time.
"It took four more days to come down from the snow..."-(page 37) Telescoping through time.
"Then it returned" -(page 38) Time expanding/a more abstract reference to time.
"They were all day reaching the river"-(page 38) Telescoping through time.
"It's getting colder every day"-(page 42) Time expanding.
"The tree had been there for years"-(page 45). More abstract reference to time.

Passage of the days:
"In the evening" pg 92
"In the morning" pg 93
"He woke in the morning" pg 95
"In the afternoon" pg 98
"Eternal blackness" pg 101
"Blackness... darkness..." pg 102
"When day broke" pg 103
"Within the hour" pg 110

Markers in the year:
"It could be November" pg 93
"Snow" - winter - pg 100

Telescoped time:
"In the evening... tomorrow... dark of night" pg 92 - all in one paragraph

"They might have covered three miles" pg 107
"They'd had no food and little sleep in five days" pg 111

Time expands:

Before (flash backs):
"He'd had this feeling before" pg 93
"He'd seen it all before" pg 94

Suspended time:
"The snow fell nor did it cease to fall" pg 101

Abstract references:

"In time to wink out forever" pg 93
"It takes a long time" pg 106
"In the early dawn at latest. Running the road in the night" pg 108
"We probably don't have much time" pg 109

Handling of time - Pg 113-133

Passage of days
In the night’ – p121
it was almost light enough to see’ – 123
The boy wouldn’t wake for hours’ – p124
He lay there a long time’ – p129
They spent the afternoon’ – p131
He wondered if it was even midnight’ – 133
By evening’ – p133

Telescoped time
...rose and set out.
He came across the barn...
’ – p124
Afternoon... evening...light draw down over the world’ – in one paragraph p131
He was gone longer than he’d meant to be’ – gives an indication of time flying p130

Expanded narrative time
It was as long night as he could remember out of a great plenty of such nights...dawn was a long time coming...after a while it was day’ – gives a sense of expanded time p132

Before and flashbacks
Lingering odour of cows... and he realized they were extinct’ – p127
nothing in his memory anywhere of anything so good’ – p130

Abstract references
When the time comes? When the time comes there will be no time. Now is the time.’ – p120
Phantoms not heard from in a thousand years rousing from their sleep’ – p122

He would have ample time later to think about that’ – shows there are no deadlines/rushing p113
No time to look’ – contrasts to above quote, shows how we perceive time differs depending on our situation p117
stopping to rest each fifty counted steps’ – shows a new way of making references to time; whereas we might say every 5 minutes, the man uses steps as an indication of passing time p123

Pages 155-175

'He followed the man back and forth across the lawn' (Page 155) - Time is being expanded
'It took a long time' (Page 155) - Passage of time
'While the boy slept' (Page 156) - Passage of time
'The town had been abandoned years ago' (Page 157) - References to the past.
'In the night he was wakened by the muted patter of rain' (Page 162) - Passage of time
'They spent the day eating and sleeping' (Page 164) - Telescoping through time
'Impossible to tell what time of the day he was looking at' (Page 164) - Abstract reference to time
'The day was brief, hardly a day at all' (Page 164) - Telescoping through time.
'By dark the rain had ceased' (Page 164) - Passage of time
'They sat for a long time' (Page 167) - Expanding time
'In the long gray dusk' (Page 169) - Passage of time
'They followed him for a while' (Page 171) - Expanding time

Handling of Time (Page 176-196)
‘When did you eat last?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘You don’t remember.’
This shows the reader that there is no reason for people on the road to remember when they have eaten as they have no reason to plan meals. We only plan meals today because our day follows a set routine and we eat to keep up with this. On the road however, day and night have almost become one due to the ash and dust that falls, blocking out the sun. They have no concept of time and no reason for it so all they can really distinguish between is day and night so it is easy to imagine how a person could lose track of the days as they are all the same; as long as they are alive, they have no reason to remember when or what they eat.
‘How old are you?’
Similarly to the food, the old man is unable to truthfully recall his age as there is no reason for him to know it and no reminder of the date. Time and day are hypothetical things created by humans to gain a routine in life. However, mankind is dying out and everybody lives in the moment and has no cause to plan ahead, unless people meticulously count each day then it would be impossible to tell precisely when a year has passed and even if someone did work it out, what would be the point? It’s hardly like they’re going to celebrate. McCarthy uses the old man as an example to show that in the novel, the reader can never be certain as to how much time has passed, as the characters have no idea either.
‘How long have you been on the road?’ ‘I’ve always been on the road.’
Once again, in this section, McCarthy uses the dialogue between two characters to make the reader question the necessity of time; the fact that the man can’t actually remember how long he has been on the road for suggests that time is insignificant. The way that the man says he has always been on the road would suggest that time is standing still for these people. McCarthy handles time simply by putting a halt to it to show that it is just another thing on the road which is dying.
‘People were always getting ready for tomorrow. I didn’t believe in that. Tomorrow wasnt getting ready for them.’
This quote is suggesting that for all the care we take over time, it doesn’t care about us. It is telling the reader that all the worry we have over keeping to a schedule is ridiculous because time is a made up thing and isn’t going to alter itself to suit us. All the people who worried and invested plans in the future, ironically, weren’t actually as prepared for the next day as they could have been where as those who take each day as it comes are surviving still as they had no expectations and don’t need time to rule their lives.
‘In the morning the stood in the road’
McCarthy gives the reader absolutely no idea what time in the morning they are talking about to once again highlight the lack of importance time holds for people on the road. All they have to go by is the road; they walk along it when it is light enough and sleep when it isn’t, to them it is completely irrelevant what time it is as they have no goals in life other than to get to the sea as quickly as possible with no real aim when they get there, meaning that they can take as long as they need to.
‘In the early afternoon’McCarthy uses slightly more detail in this section. This could be because this is the first time phrase used since they left the old man alone in the road so the man and they boy are paying more attention to time as they are feeling guilty, wondering where the old man is and how long he has been left on his own for.
‘In the night he woke in the cold dark’
McCarthy uses this phrase to lead onto ‘coughing and he coughed till his chest was raw’ to fit in with the image that cold dark night quite often symbolise death, something that we know is imminent for the man but the way the author associates it with time suggests that his time is running out quickly.
‘You said it would last a few weeks’ ‘I know.’ ‘But it’s just been a few days.’
This back up the previous quote in suggesting that time is speeding up and things are going a lot quicker than the man and the boy expected them to.
‘He’d slept little in weeks.’
This shows McCarthy skipping through time to move the novel on but also showing the rapid declination of the man’s health, he gets several weeks worse in the few seconds it takes the reader to read it, to emphasize the point.

Pages 197-217
References to the passage of the day:
'Early the day following'

Markers in the year:
'Three days. Four.'

Passages in which narrative time is telescoped:
'The following day'

Points at which narrative time expands:
P.g. 197- 'When three men stepped from behind a truck'- time expands because there is suddenly a lot more detail than the narrator usually gives; this is because it's a tense, potentially dangerous situation but also could be because it's a break from their monotonous daily lives, so every moment is taken in.

References to before:
P.g. 199- The man dreams of the past in which he visited a half destoyed library.

Points at which time is suspended:
During the mans dreams on p.g. 199.

Abstract references to time:
'They had not gone far'- The novel's characters use distance instead of time as a way to measure their progress, since time is now meaningless but their journey is vital to their survival.

    Handling of time pg 218-238

    Page 226: 'They stayed in the house for four days eating and sleeping'. Time is contracted into a short paragraph.

    Page 229: 'Long days.' Time has suddenly moved on, we cannot tell whether it is days or weeks.

    Page 230: 'An hour later...' Chronological order.

    Page 233: 'With dark they built a fire.' Shows the turning of day to night.

    Page 235: 'In the morning...' Chronological order.

    Page 219-224: Several pages devoted to a short time, less than half an hour. Every little detail is told.

    Page 228-229: Time goes very fast, one second they are at the abandoned house and in the next paragraph they are standing in a supermarket. Then it skips to 'Long days' and we cannot tell whether is has been days or weeks or months.

    Page 234: Flashback, 'he remembered walking once on such a night...' he is comparing his old beach memories to his experiences on the beach now. He is remembering a better time. This is significant because flashbacks occur throughout the novel as a running theme.

    Time- Pages 260-280

    References to the passage of Time...

    1) "He fixed dinner" could suggest evening time p. 261
    2) "He loaded the flarepistol and as soon as it was dark" p.262
    3) "In the morning" p.263
    4) "He held him all night" p.265
    5) "In the evening he opened a can of soup" p. 266
    6) "...the fire had died down almost to ash and it was a black night" p.266
    7) "The boy slept all day" p.267
    8) "He tried to stay awake all night" p.267
    9) "It rained briefly in the night" p. 268
    10) "When he woke again" "Grey daylight" p.268
    11) "In two days time" p.270
    12) "They went on. It was already late in the day and it wa another hour and deep into the long dusk" P. 273
    13) " ...stood there in the cold and gathering dark" p. 278
    14) "In the morning" p.279
    15) "he woke that night" p.279
    16) "In three days" p.280

    Markers in the year...

    1) "The wintery dawn was coming" p. 266- This suggests that the months are later in the year. We depend on hints like the weather and how McCarthy describes the sceneary to establish/ estimate what time of the year it is.

    2) "The earth itself contracting with the cold" p.279 This tells us that it is winter time or maybe the Earths condidtion is just becoming even worse so it is getting colder. Either suggestion could tell us that the novel has moved to the winter months of the year.

    3) "What time of year?" p.279 This contradicts the hints of what time of year it is, because the man and the boy do not even know, so it is impossible to be certain what time of year it is.

    Narrative time is telescoped...

    1) "In three days they came to a small port town"- This passage of time has no mention of what may have happened within those three days,which creates confusion as the reader wonders why this passage of time has gone quicker than others as McCarthy often describes the days/nights events.

    2) "In two days' time they were walking the beach as far as the headland and back"- Again time has passed quickly as we do not get any description of what has happened within those two days.

    Points at which Narrative time expands...

    The shooting of the Road Rat and the stealing of their possessions is an example of Narrative time expanding. This is too build up the tension of what The man will do to him. Also the narrative time could be expanded to show the true character of The man, and how The boy reacts to his fathers actions. The event goes for seven pages. McCarthy may have done this to show the raw emotions of the boy and how his fathers action have shaped and changed his view of him.

    Points at which time seems to be suspended...

    When The boy and The man are looking for their stolen cart, time seems to be suspended "They went on. It was already late in the day and it was another hour into the long dusk" the words "Another" and "long" create a sense of time going slowly. This creates tension as the reader wonders if they will find their cart as time seems to be running out for them before it starts to get dark. McCarthy suspends time here to build up tension, "They went on." makes it seem like they have been searching of their cart for a long time. This suspends time because we as the readers want them to get their belongings back, but it appears to be taking a while to find the thief so we start to doubt id they will find it.

    When the boy becomes ill, time seems susupended. ""You have to stay near, he said. You have to be quick. So you can be with him. Hold him close. Last day of the earth" Time appears to be suspended becasue the we can sense that the man is worried for the boy, and it seems like he is getting worse so time has slowed down and is hanging on to this tense moment. The mans speech also creates suspended time as it appears like he is trying to prepare himself for the worst, which creates more tension.

    Pages 302-307

    Reference to before-'Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains' page 306
    Time seems to be suspended and more abstract view of time- 'On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming' page 307
    Time is telescoped 'He cried for a long time' page 306
    Time seems suspended 'You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow' page 307

    Sunday, 2 December 2012

    Symbols & Meanings
    Water- literal importance- cleaning and washing, quench thirst, crucial for survival
              - symbolic meaning- life pool, where life began, purity- only pure thing left, hope (page 129 'cistern filled with water so sweet' 'nothing in his memory anywhere of something so good') reminder of life previously, reassurance, 

    The mountain- literal- Earth, landscape, impressive beauty
    symbolic- journey in itself, desperation, ambition, represents their lives- a huge mountain, forever climbing never reaching a peak, isolation, intimidation, discourage

    Religion- page 14- 'watched it expire there like the last host of Christendom' 
    The sea- literal- end of the land, motivation for journey, reason they are on The Road
    symbolic- hope, reassurance if it is blue, motivation, end of the desolation on land colourful beginnings, reminder of the past, calm, mesmerizing, tranquility, peace, devotion, at rest/ease.   

    The colour grey- literal- dull, oppressive, pitiful, somber

    symbolic- refers to somber state of the world, moods- depressive constraining, lack of hope determination, grey future- bleak, mood lifts when father dies new hope/life, mute. 
    Death- sullen, cynical, hostile  

    Fire- what is the fire anymore?
    literal importance- provide heat, hope, fascinating
    symbolic-various interpretations: 1. 'carrying the fire'= fire within the soul, hope, morale, positivity, saviour for man kind idea of the boy being a Messiah. The man lives on within him
    2. 'carrying the fire'= harsh reminder of the past, idea of redemption- the world is slowly beginning again more positively, man abused it, set in old ways, isolation, links to interview man became too smart which is not always the most important thing- being good is. E.g creating new technology destroying the world etc. Fire= destruction, abusive, branded the earth, demolished and devestated. Man carried the fire and destroyed the earth.
    Fires always burn out. Cannot be kept lit, man dies- does the fire die with him? i.e past, make way for new. New world for man kind. Reset.

    Sight/sightlessness- literal- vision, what they see around them, haunts
                                 - symbolic- sightlessness= oppressive state of world, disaster, blindness, carelessness, cruelty, forgotten, dull, perspective different people see different things, no sight= no hope, no life, tragedy. (page 250 'they went on in the perfect blackness, sightless as the blind' summary of whole journey, lack of hope, world is black dull depressing, almost delicate and beautiful, sense of no complaint runs throughout novel.

    Seeds- literal- plants, nourishment, life,
    symbolic- plant the seed of an idea- can destroy someone or make them- like man and the earth, life began with 'seeds', everything begins with 'seeds', life, hope,

    Music/musical instruments- literal- harmonies, sounds, escapism, variation, relaxation. 
    Symbolic- reassurance, hope, unite the man and the boy- apology. Flute (page 81) 'he'd carved the boy a flute' after shooting road rat awkward atmosphere in the air, boy angry at the man, are they still the good guys? 'A formless music for the age to come'- only music for the future, devastation of earth. 'perhaps the last music on earth called up from out of the ashes of its ruin'- final song, destruction, loss of hope, giving up, motivation gone, reflects the desolation and disaster. 'ashes of its ruin'- bleak outlook, isolation, dull, decrepit. 

    Animal imagery- dog, savagery of human behaviour- cannibalism 

    Religious imagery- Ely- literal- man on the road, surviving in the same way everyone else is attempting. 
    Symbolic- shares name with biblical prophet Elijah, hobbling along road, riddles, wise, ancient, immortal almost, how is he surviving? Elijah= coming of a messiah (savior) the boy. 

    Coca Cola Can- (22)- 'sat looking at a Coca Cola'- astonishment, reminder of past, haunting, a 'treat' luxury, 'its bubbly'- never experienced it, shock, honour. 'I want you to drink it'- reminder of deprivation of Earth, wants to provide his son with some luxuries/presents, make him content, satisfaction etc, savour it last one they will see. 
    symbolic- savior, luxury item, deprivation of man, appreciation, consumerism- product used day to day

    Saturday, 1 December 2012

    'Do you plot everything out?'

    • natural talent, natural journey
    • 'lonesome sound'- inspiration taken from world around him and imagination
    • 'waste'- world has gone to waste, devastation, oppressive state 
    • 'my little boy'- character of boy may have been influenced by his own son, personal, absolute
    • 'the book sort of wrote itself'- self explanatory, accustomed 
    • 'subconscious' didn't need thinking about, hidden within him, not carefully plotted as it may appear
    • mesmerizing infrastructure came naturally- shocked
    'I had no idea where it was going. I had no idea where it was going to end'
    • no solid plan to abide by
    • mystery to McCarthy as well as reader throughout
    • may explain ending choice- 'cop out' in some opinions
    • spontaneity 
    • impulsive
    • impressive technique
    • seemingly intricately planned book was not actually planned
    • writing style is magnificent to lead us to this conclusion
    'It's a pretty simple, straightforward story I like to think.'
    • simple with climatic events
    • highlights power of human emotions- sculpt this book as being much more when in reality it is a simple plot, attachment, tragedy, trauma
    'A lot of the things that the kid says are things that John said'
    • personal influences on character of the 'boy'
    • 'said' past tense, almost as if John has passed away- grown up older, more wiser, horrors of the world, childlike naivety vanished 
    • attachment
    'It's really more important to be good than it is to be smart'
    • father= smart
    • boy= 'good' morally
    • may infer the man is too smart, pessimist, mystery surrounding man- is he a good guy, why are they not in a commune etc etc
    • conflicting characters
    •  contrasting of smartness and goodness- if man wasn't so smart would they have been more successful, survival
    • why was he so smart? almost spy like. 
    • WAS HE A 'BAD GUY' 
    • reinforcing way McCarthy depicts the man
    • McCarthy does not feel this smartness is important
    'I just sat there in bed and held them'
    • do not appreciate what we have
    • large impact on readers, realization, appreciation for what we have got
    'absolute minimum' 'no need to blot the page with little weird marks' 'if you write properly, you shouldn't have to punctuate'
    •  intricate sentence structures
    • The Road is 'proper' writing style
    • 'simple declarative sentences' sums up style of the road, McCarthy was writing 'properly'

    Reading Homework
    'The End'


    • I agree with this
    • 'whimper' highlights disappointment
    • spent whole novel wondering the outcome if the man died, then he is just rescued almost
    • however, does not take into account family could be cannibals, 'bad guys' etc
    • poor ending, too good to be true
    • cleverly sculpted book ending lets it down
    2. Amazon reader review
    • pleasant idea of 'timelessness'- accurate, book seems timeless due to monotonous descriptions repetition etc reflects world
    • agree with huge amount of unanswered questions- what are the family, how did the world become like that, where are the rest of his family etc
    • 'still don't have the answers' beauty of the way McCarthy crafted the novel, element of mystery, abstruseness, anger reader maybe
    3. markrossiter (favourite)
    • 'redemption' is 'inconsistent' didn't interpret in this way until reading this opinion strongly agree, leads to disappointment
    • 'not a consequence of the two protagonists' didn't evaluate this either, throughout whole novel followed them and all outcomes have been down to them. Again highlighting inconsistency
    • 'desired' and 'undeserved'= impeccable description/summary
    4. William Kennedy
    • agree with 'deus ex machina' did not think about man talking about it throughout 'goodness'
    • 'boys becoming- or his mission' interesting interpretation, reinvent the world- solve all problems- 'messiah' salvation
    • previously confused by ending of novel- beginning to apprehend more 
    • 'rhythmic poetry' magnificent summary of McCarthy's creation
    5. Amazon
    • 'tragedy'
    • disagree- optimist. don't know the boy has found salvation, family may be formidable
    • 'hope' is there but disappointment to in comparison to the emptiness/hollowness of rest of the novel
    • 'young boy provides a glimpse of optimism' agree with this, moral compass throughout.
    6. Guardian
    • 'cheesy cop out'- true in my opinion
    • spent book waiting for a more traumatic, mysterious ending 
    • inconsistent with the rest of novel- monotonous, discouraging, oppressive
    7. John Holt
    • 'timeless' reflects rest of the book
    8. Guardian commenter
    • 'seduced'- boy is niave 
    • 'why do we think this guy is good'- my opinion, too optimistic in comparison with the novel. 
    • more likely to be 'bad'

    • desired ending
    • disappointment
    • inconsistent with rest of novel
    • mystery
    • different interpretations depending what reader wants to believe
    • niavety
    • mystery